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Notice: WE ARE CASHLESS! The Hollander MakeCentral Service Desk will no longer accept cash payments. We will continue to accept: Debit/Credit, SpartanCash or Check payments. Thank you for your understanding.

Microfiche - Major Collections

All the collections mentioned below have a separate location within the Microforms Library. Additional collections are shelved by call number.

ERIC Documents (Educational Resources Information Center)

Many ERIC items from 1966-2003 are available on microfiche. Microfiche items will be preceded by "ED" in the ERIC citation. These microfiche are shelved in numeric order by the 6 digit number which follows the "ED" in the citation. ERIC articles which are not preceded by an "ED" will not be on microfiche and must be searched by the source, usually a journal title. Many ERIC documents from 1993 forward are also available online. The ERIC database listing provides a link to the full text.

MSU Theses

In addition to the paper copies on Ground West, MSU theses are also available on microfilm or microfiche. Check the catalog for access information.

NCJRS (National Criminal Justice Reference Service)

These microfiche are shelved in numeric order according to the number that follows the "NCJ" in the citation. Not every NCJ citation is on microfiche. In the case where no microfiche exists, the article must be searched by the source.


These microfiche are generally shelved by the SABIN number listed on the fiche and in the catalog record. In some cases particular SABIN titles have been catalogued and given their own call number. In these cases the microfiche will be shelved in the general microfiche collection by call number.

Other major collections include:

  • CIHM: Pre- 1900 Canadiana
  • PAH: Pamphlets in American History
  • HRAF: Human Relations Area Files
  • National Union Catalog
  • Kew Lists